Our Beautiful Brittany

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Working Hard!

Our girl continues to amaze me! I just got this e-mail!

Just a quick physical therapy update.

After walking yesterday, Brit was back in her room and proceeded to peddle her bike mechanism for about a hour. Today (Thursday) Brit walked about 3 times further than she did yesterday. Great progress that shows her determination. And again today she did some peddling in her room after resting up from her walk.

All in all another good day with positive steps in the right direction.

Way to go Brit!! Keep up the good work!


Unknown said...

Hi Brit!!!

Tell your dad thanks for all the updates!!! Jamie is doing a fantastic job on your blog!! Just remember, we're all with you on this journey. It's during these tough times that you work the hardest and we will cheer you on during every step along the way. You are always in our thoughts so enjoy the good days and remember us in your tough ones. Hold your head up high and be proud!!! You're a fighter and we will help every way we can!


Anonymous said...


I sounds like you are gaining strength every day. Way to go!!! I am pulling for you. I was out of town the last few days and away from my computer. I was eager to get back in touch with your blog, to hear how you are doing. Thanks to you, your Dad, and Jamie for the updates.

Cheering for you every step of your journey!!!

Jennifer and Katelyn

Anonymous said...

Wow, Brittany!! Peddling for an hour and walking! Impressive!!! Keep it up! You are amazing. I hope all the excersize is making you hungry enough to consume lots of calories.
Sharon M.

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed and proud of all that you are doing. Keep up the good work. I'm pulling for you. I don't think I could ride the bike for one hour ...whew!!!We're still getting snow off and on..thinking of your grandma.I miss seeing your smiling face and hearing your laughter. By the way how is your new room and do they have curtains...?(ha ha) HK

Anonymous said...

Good work, Brittany! Hope you are able to get outside soon. I've heard NC is beautiful in the spring? Keep on peddling........
We are thinking about you every day. Guess we need to figure out how to get some biscuits and gravy down there, huh?
Love, Pete & Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hey Brit - Dave wants to know if the hospital has March Madness over there? When I said you were at Duke that was the first thing that came to mind :) Bet your Dad has been watching some games in your room! Or maybe they aren't talking about it at the hospital since it's UNC in the Final Four!!

Great job with your therapy - keep focusing on each day's goal, and before you know it you will have gone further than you could have imagined!

We love seeing and hearing about yoru progress.

Anne, Dave & Wilson