Our Beautiful Brittany

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Walking on Clouds

Brit was able to have a little fun yesterday. She finally got rid of her blasting headache and was able to sit up and put her legs over the bed. She was up and awake for most of the afternoon. She is so ready to go back downstairs and get out of the ICU. What we just found out is that they don't transfer patients on the weekend, so we will have to hang out a few days longer upstairs.

Brit was laughing and joking around and even snuck a little sip of sprite and requested a cherry Dr. Pepper which Greg couldn't locate. I'm not sure she is supposed to drink too much, but a little sip can't hurt, right? I knew she was beginning to get some of her spirit back when the nurse let her know she had a shot waiting for her and she gave her the Brittany stare. She's having to take her shots like a woman, as they don't have sub-q catheters here and they hadn't even really seen one. She's so good at getting them, although she was getting to be such a pro at giving them to herself with the catheter.

She's doing good again this morning and afternoon. She was able to get a really good CPT treatment in and wants to watch the movie "Little Nicky" after the quiet time break. I think it was fun for her nurses yesterday to see Brittany smiling and joking around. They are able to get a glimpse of what the rest of us know and love about her. I know when I left the hospital last night, it was like I was walking on clouds. Here's to many more good days to come!


Anonymous said...

Hi Brittany,

So glad you've had a couple of good days -- I'm sure there'll be more to come as you get stronger and stronger and get back to PT.

Keep your smile on!

Sharon M.

Unknown said...

I'm sure ICU is no picnic but, sounds like you're making the best of it. I like the Cherry Dr. Pepper also!! I just wish it liked me!! Keep up the great work and be feisty! It's good to keep others on their toes! And Jamie, Kudo's on the blogging!!!!! Great job!!

Anonymous said...

Hello to you guys over on the right side of the US! We are having some spring weather......rain and sun. The daffodils are loving it!! Grateful it is not snow. I am crossing my fingers as I prepare to take Pete's sister home to MT. on Monday that we won't have any of the "white stuff" in our travels.

So glad to hear you had a good day, Brit, and anxious for you to get back to PT so you continue to have many more. Cannot see anything pink without thinking about you! ;)

Should have had my camera today to take a picture of little piggy Shorty with his bed dug in the mud! John & Pete were busy on the siding, so we went over to take lunch.

Thank you for blogging and keeping us connected to you.

Love, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hey Britt.,
I am so glad to hear that you're feeling better ,stronger and a bit naughty!!! I just love it. Your sassy self will be popping out real soon. Sure do miss you and the fun times we shared. I'm so glad Jamie is there with you to keep you on your toes.
Wanted to wish you a Happy Easter and I hope the easter bunny was good to you...too bad you couldn't decorate your room up in the ICU. I think it would have looked neat. Keep up the good work and I am sending you a big hug and a loud QUACK!!! HK

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter Brittney!!!

I hope today is another good day for you. Keep Jamie out of trouble for us... You two sassy girls can accompish a lot together in just a few short minutes. The nurses will have to be on their toes.

Enjoy Your Easter Sunday. I hope the easter bunny was good to you this year!!!

Best wished with you always,

Jennifer and Katelyn